Sølvguttene (the Boys of Silver) in Alanya

Sølvguttene (the Boys of Silver) is a Boys' choir founded by Torstein Grythe in June, 1940. He would hold the position as conductor until 2004, when Fredrik Otterstad took over.

The choir had its first rehearsals in his apartment in Oslo, but were soon offered to rehearse in Norwegian Broadcasting’s (NRK) facilities. The thought was that the choir would be permanently linked to NRK, and the first radio performance was held in December 1940. Conditions during the German occupation soon made it impossible to continue the cooperation with NRK, and the choir was for the remainder of the war years managed by the founder/conductor.

Sølvguttene got its name primarily because of the shiny, silvery uniforms that were acquired in the beginning (for lack of other, more subtle materials). Later the name has been attributed to the special sound and clarity of boys voices, voices of silver.

Source: Wikipedia

Sølvguttene (the Boys of Silver) in Alanya

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Scouts trip 29/10/2013

Thanks to another charity fundraiser organized by Skogro Kindergarten, some of the funds raised were spent to create a fantastic day for our scout movement.
Turkey's national day was chosen and will be our special day together with the scouts, forever.
This was a day that not only was unique for the children, it was a day of building bridges. Some of the parents have been sceptical to us foreigners that have entered their part of the world. They are not really sure what we are bringing with us. They are just as concerned as we are, when foreigners are bringing a different culture to their country.
It has been hard for some of them to believe that someone really wants to help their children, only and solemnly coming from the heart.
But all sceptisim is gone now. And we got many new friends on this trip - that for us will be the highlight of 2013 as well.

Regards to all the scouts and their parents, scout leader Muharrem, Barnas Brobygger, JOURNAL and Alanya International Club / Mahmutlar Friends International:

THANK YOU for the possibilities you create for our children!

Scouts trip 29/10/2013

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